We are who we are…

 In Writing

“It is what it is,” Biden said in the first debate to Trump, quoting one of Trumps more infamous statements regarding covid.

“Because you are who we are,” Biden added.

Great line and I wondered if it was recalled or made up on the spot. In any event, it drove the salient point home.

In fact, we are who we are. We didn’t get trump by accident; we didn’t get the dreaded virus by accident. There is an intelligence to this coincidence, I think.

If I could ask Bill Gates one question, it would be this: Did you know that by fulfilling the dream of connecting human beings by the use of technology, they be joined at the lowest common denominator—which is sadly racist and hateful, and simply stupid?

Did any of us know that it is an instinct, inherent to our DNA, to join with a machine?

Ever watch someone on a motor cycle? Ever see that Insurance commercial?

I made this point in the Astral series, though I have no proof: that there is an inherent desire within us to join with machines, to become ever faster, smarter, and to travel ever further; to reach the stars and beyond.

Back to reality: Many people afraid our democracy is being threatened—which, I believe is true. But if that is really true, why don’t some of the super-billionaires get together and simply buy the election, run 50 billion dollars in commercials (and buy anyone off who stands in the way)?

Why not hire someone like Spielberg to make these commercials, making them the best anyone has ever seen?

Answer: because these people don’t really and truly believe our democracy is in peril, or maybe they don’t really and truly care because they are so wealthy, they cannot be adversely affected by outcome.

Nothing else makes sense.

Meanwhile, I gotta watch this fat bastard roil with covid, and continue to deny its terrifying reality with a joyride around the hospital.

And Biden is continuing to campaign on the basis of two negative tests, following exposure during the debate, which is hardly enough down time.

As a covid survivor and long hauler, I am disgusted.

It’s no wonder Millennials tell me that my generation sucks.


Starting to believe them. . .

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